The abstract submission and online registration are available only after creation of a user account on
Abstract preparation guidelines:
- The abstract must be entered directly into the New submission and written in english.
- No documents may be attached
- The affiliation of co-authors from the same laboratory must be identical (same reference / identical name and acronym).
- Abstracts are limited to 300 words
Examples of topics to highlight the role of bacterial PTMs:
- bacterial virulence and biofilm formation
- bacterial division and sporulation
- bacterial resistance or persistence to antimicrobials
- microbial communities
- methodological advances to study bacterial PTMs
- for non listed topic, please contact
Oral presentation guidelines:
- File format: ppt, pptx or pdf (format 16:9)
- Keynotes: 35 minutes + 10 minutes for questions
- Selected oral: 15 minutes + 5 minutes questions
Poster presentation guidelines:
- A0 portrait format
The best oral presentation and poster presentation from a young scientist (PhD/PostDoc) will be awarded.
The peer-reviewed journal Pathogens will sponsor the award for the best oral presentation.